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Is a DevOps Engineer Just a Myth in Tech Circles?

Why DevOps Is More Than Just a Culture and How Specialized Engineers Are Essential.


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Lately, there’s been this recurring statement floating around: “There’s no such thing as a dedicated DevOps engineer.” People claim that DevOps isn’t a role but rather a culture — where software engineers, QA engineers, and ops folks all share the responsibility of operations.

But, here’s the thing: while this idea may resonate with some purists, it doesn’t reflect what’s happening in the majority of companies today.

For over a decade now, the idea that DevOps is a culture, not a title has been a point of contention within the community. Sure, I get it. The purest interpretation of DevOps revolves around breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across teams. Everyone — devs, ops, testers — working together, shoulder-to-shoulder, to deliver faster and more efficiently.

Sounds great in theory, right?

The Reality of DevOps Workload

The truth is, DevOps is a lot of work. We took things like infrastructure…



Deep -- Cloud / DevOps Engineer

DevOps Blogger | Mentor | Founder of | I write on Cloud, DevOps, SRE, AWS, AZURE, GCP, K8s, and CI/CD.